Books I've Read Recently #3

I realized the other day while I was wrapped up in a cozy blanket and yet another book, that I haven’t shared what I’ve been reading recently. If you’re anything like me, you love to see what people are reading so I am back today with quite the long list of books I’ve recently read. As usual, I’ll share a few cookbooks at the end as well. I am pretty proud of how many I read this year.

In case you missed the big announcement over on Instagram and Facebook, I am writing and publishing a cookbook of my very own! I’m still in the writing process, but if you’d like to be the first to know any updates with the book, please CLICK HERE to be added to the list. I’m excited to share more of this adventure with you all in the coming months.

THE FEMALE PERSUASION by Meg Wolitzer: I really liked how this book highlighted the role of a mentor and how we can sometimes build things into such fantasies in our heads. This was one that kept me intrigued the whole time and I couldn’t put it down. I honestly picked it up because I was drawn to the cover, but was pleasantly surprised to see how much I enjoyed the story. It felt very relatable  for those fresh out of college figuring out what they want to do with their lives.

EDUCATED by Tara Westover: I was in awe of the author’s story in this book. It’s a memoir and tells the story of the childhood, growth and success of Tara Westover. It truly leaves you feeling like if she can accomplish whatever she put her mind to, so can you. I found her story so interesting and I think you will too.

ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE by Gail Honeyman: This one has gotten a lot of buzz this year and I can definitely see why. Talk about a book with a plot twist! I was sucked into this one and read it in a few days. I really shows how in order to survive you have to open your heart. I heard it’s being made into a movie so if you are a ‘read before you watch’ kind of girl like me, get on this one!

SHARP OBJECTS by Gillian Flynn: After the HBO show came out, I knew I wanted to read this book before I watched the series. It was a quick and easy read for me and I really liked it. The ending was different than I had predicted and I always love being surprised by a book like that. I still need to watch the show because I LOVE Amy Adams.

THE SPY by Paulo Coelho: I hated this one. I really thought I would like it but it was just really boring and hard to get into. It tells the story of Mata Hari, and how she became this incredibly talented spy. While it’s fun to read about a woman who was able to snake her way in and out of relationships and places she didn’t belong, I would say skip this one.

THIS HOUSE IS HAUNTED by John Boyne: If you read my previous book posts, you might notice that I read John Boyne’s newest book earlier this year. I loved that one and while I did like this one, it was a completely different style of book. It’s a haunted thriller (duh Andrea…look at the title), but it wasn’t as scary as I had been hoping.

HARRY POTTER AND THE (SORCERER’S STONE, CHAMBER OF SECRETS, PRISONER OF AZKABAN, GOBLET OF FIRE) by J.K. Rowling: I am 28 years old and had never read anything Harry Potter before this year. My boyfriend finally convinced me that with as much reading as I do, there was no excuse not to pick up the books. So I did it. I technically am on the 6th book but read #5 this year in 2019, so it’s not included here. You guessed it; I have become a complete Harry Potter nerd and I am obsessed with everything, especially all of the fine details. I can say it, I LOVE HARRY POTTER.

THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho: I finally read this one after hearing basically everyone I know talk about what a classic book it is. I really did like it, but I don’t know if it was because it was so hyped up for me that it wasn’t really what I expected. I’d say if you haven’t it’s a great story that you can get through really quickly.

TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee: My good friends and I started our own book club in December which I am very grateful for. First up was this classic and I’m happy we read it. I’m sure 99% of you reading this had to read it at some point in school. I remembered nothing about it except the name Boo Radley, and was pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up loving this book. I highly recommend picking it up and visiting others that you may have read when you were at a different point of your life. I find it fascinating to see how different books can affect us just based on what stage of life we are going through.

SALT, FAT, ACID, HEAT by Samin Nosrat: I practically worship the ground Samin walks on at this point haha. If you haven’t watched her Netflix series of the same title, do it now. Then go buy this cookbook. I think EVERY cook needs to have this in the kitchen. It’s full of knowledge and I really think it would help those who want to feel more comfortable in the kitchen.

THE SOPRANOS FAMILY COOKBOOK by Artie Bucco & Allen Rucker: I have found myself referring to this book a lot in the recent months for classic Italian recipes. Fun fact: Mikey bought me this book awhile ago because he always gets hungry when he watches the Sopranos. haha It’s a good one and if you like good Italian food, highly recommend. I’ve been thinking recently about cooking my way through an entire cookbook, and this one might be the one I do it with.

Share in the comments below what you’ve been reading and loving! Book recommendations are something I will NEVER stop wanting.

Happy reading,


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