Unsolicited Wedding Advice from a Married Financial Planner

I am so honored to welcome Stephanie A Trexler, CFP®, a previous Andrea Fontana Beauty bride and CEO and Owner of Golden Goose Wealth Planning to the blog! When I got engaged in February, I asked her to share her wealth of knowledge with those of us who are in the planning stages of our weddings! Be sure to check out her business when you are done reading and share this information with anyone you know who is newly engaged! Thank you Steph.


Everyone has an opinion when it comes to weddings and it has been said that weddings bring out the crazy in everyone! Here are a few things I wish I would have known before my big day!

∙       Do research before you set a budget- Do not put the cart before the horse! My husband and I picked a random number for a budget because we thought that is what the wedding SHOULD cost, turns out we were off by $10,000. We had not done our research and taken the time to figure out what the kind of wedding we wanted would realistically cost. It would have had a better idea of a realistic cost beforehand; it would have saved many disagreements in the future!

∙       Get organized- Get a physical wedding planner. My sister gave me a custom wedding planner for our engagement gift. It was super helpful having everything in one place. I carried it around with my in my purse and always had my checklists at my fingertips. You will also want to make a spreadsheet and save it in a place where you can easily share it with your fiancé. You will want to make sure you have the following tabs:

o   Guestlist

o   Addresses

o   Budget & Payment Due Dates

o   Day of schedule, 

o   Vendor contact information

∙       Go to the wedding expos- They might seem cheesy, but they have tons of great ideas and I made a lot of great contacts at the one I went to. This is also a great opportunity to start getting an idea of how much things cost. At the expo I attended, a caricature artist was setting up her business and she was offering a discount if I booked with her that day. This allowed us to add a nice touch to our wedding that was very affordable. 

∙       Think creatively where you register-You might think you really need that waffle maker but consider also registering for things for your home such as tools and yard equipment. After you move into your “big-kid home there are a lot of leaves to rake and driveways to shovel. Those gift cards to Home Depot will come in handy in the future and save you money down the line! Consider using a wedding registry website that allows you to register at multiple stores. 

∙       Hire a day of coordinator-Yes, it is an extra expense, but 1000% worth it. Skip the Starbucks, work a side hustle, or pick up some babysitting jobs to make it happen! Having a day of coordinator allowed me to relax with my bridesmaids and drink mimosas. On top of that, she was able to take all the decorations I had bought and made and arrange them even better than I ever could have myself. She has an eye for weddings and her personal touch made all the difference! Leave setting up to the professionals and enjoy your day!

∙       Flower Captain-On the day of your wedding, assign someone you trust to make sure everyone including parents and grandparents gets their boutonnieres and corsages. Give that person a list of who’s supposed to get what. I made the mistake of sending the boutonnieres and corsages to the groom’s room, and not all of the grandparents received theirs on time. This is a great job for a significant other of a groomsman!

∙       Allocate extra time- Weddings always seem to run behind. Set yourself up for success and give yourself an extra half-hour buffer between items on your itinerary. Things come up! Someone might need to stop at the store on the way back from the salon, a traffic jam slowed down the trolley or a groomsman needs a belt! Plan extra time into your day to ensure your ceremony and reception do not get delayed!

∙       Talk about money with your fiancé- Money is one of the top fights between couples. There is a good chance you were raised differently and have different values around money. It is ok to have different opinions, the important thing is to understand the WHY behind why your partner thinks the way they do. 

∙       Relax and enjoy- Planning a wedding can be a stressful time, but also the most magical. It all goes by so fast. Soak up every bit of it and enjoy the journey. There are very few times in life where all the attention is on you. Everyone will give you their opinion, but just remember everyone is excited and eager to help. Do not forget to take five minutes for you and your husband alone on your big day! 

 Happy Planning!



Stephanie A Trexler, CFP®


Stephanie is the CE0 and owner of Golden Goose Wealth Planning. She helps couples plan and save for the future. Be sure to reserve your spot in Stephanie’s Newlywed class today. https://calendly.com/ggwealthplanning/newlywed
