11 Things With Andrea #5

I’m trying to get better with keeping up with these posts because I know how much you guys love them. So here we are! New year, new 11 Things with Andrea.

  1. Should we start off with a bang? In case you missed it, I paid off my last student loan on Christmas Eve this year and now I am officially DEBT FREE! I can’t believe this moment is finally here after years of hard work and dedication. Let me know if you want me to write more about my debt free journey.

  2. I have officially joined the #PASHFAM and become obsessed with my Passion Planner. I have no idea how I’ve survived this long without one. Special thanks to my best friend Margaret (@edgewoodplace) who convinced me to take the plunge. This is the best planner I have ever purchased and it works so well for my brain.

  3. Coming off of working so hard to be debt free, I wanted to make sure I didn’t treat myself too much in January, so this month I’m doing a No Buy. This means, no extras but the necessities for the whole month of January. I figured this would help me transition into life where I’m not putting more than a third of my income towards debt!

  4. About a week ago I purchased the new iPhone 11 Pro Max and I’m so happy with it so far! The picture quality is amazing and I’m excited to experiment with it as I continue to create new content for you this year!

  5. I received Alison Roman’s cookbook, Nothing Fancy, for Christmas and I’m already obsessed! The few recipes I’ve tried so far have been amazing and I’m excited to keep diving into more. If you like to feed your friends and family with cozy and easy meals that feel special, check it out!

  6. Speaking of cookbooks…I’m still trekking along on my own cookbook journey. Still working on recipe testing which takes a lot longer than you would imagine.

  7. For the first time in maybe ever, I feel like my two weeks off for the holidays was actually two weeks. I got rest, did puzzles, read books, took many naps, cooked and ate delicious food, and really relaxed. I think it also helps when you have created a life that you like getting back to. While it was nice to have a break, I’m so happy to be back to planning 2020 and amping things up for what this year has in store for AFB.

  8. I have a secret project coming for Galentine’s Day that I CANNOT wait to share with you! Stay tuned, but your hint is that it will be located in the SHOP tab…haha

  9. January was really hard for me last year. I think I even wrote a post about it? January is not usually my best month but this year feels so much better than years past! I think it has a lot do with being medicated for my anxiety and feeling like I have a stable but flexible plan for the month.

  10. I’m already more than half booked for 2020 and I cannot believe it! If you or someone you know is getting married and needs a makeup artist, send them my way or email me ASAP (andreafontanabeauty@gmail.com). I don’t want you to miss out!

  11. Mikey’s birthday is at the end of this month and I cannot wait to make his annual birthday cake. Every year I pick a theme based on something he loves. Previous years included the Toronto Maple Leafs, the Death Star, and Harry Potter. This year I’m thinking the West Wing? Stay tuned to my IG for that as well because you KNOW I’ll be sharing that labor of love when it’s done.

What’s going on in your life right now? Let me know in a comment below. I hope you feel rested and ready to start off the new DECADE on a strong note. I believe in you and I’m grateful every day for your support.

Have a great week,
