Five Ways to Make Social Media a Healthier Place For Yourself

It’s no secret that social media can play a toxic role in the comparison of our lives with others. In one click you can be transported into what looks like a much happier and fun life of someone you’ve never met. We are all guilty of it. While I believe that there are many negatives that can come from social media, I also think there are a lot of really positive things that can come of it as well. If you take social media with a grain of salt, focus on not comparing your life to the highlights of other people’s lives, it can be a really cool place.

Today I wanted to share five ways that you can make social media a healthier place for yourself. I want to encourage you to set boundaries and use it the way that works best for yourself. However, only you know what that means. So take these ideas and change them however you need to make social media a positive and constructive place for you to be inspired and connect with other people.

While none of this is ground breaking information, I just want it to serve you as a reminder to make sure you are using social media to respect and love yourself. So let’s get started!

  1. Delete accounts that impact you negatively.

    If there is an account that always brings about ill feelings, sadness, jealously, or desires for things or a life you don’t actually want, DELETE it. You heard me. Choose to follow accounts that inspire & teach you, make you laugh, and more. You do not have to follow people just because they follow you, if it’s not going to constructively contribute to your life.

  2. Set boundaries for when you use social media.

    If viewing social media brings anxiety or stress, definitely don’t use it before bed time. It’s important to feel calm and at peace when trying to sleep and we all know screen time isn’t the best choice for this. If you know that you can easily end up mindlessly scrolling for hours when you’re supposed to be accomplishing some other task, maybe give yourself a specific amount of time you are allowed to be on social media. Cutting back will also help you focus on what you’re doing in the moment. Be present.

  3. Share a more authentic part of yourself.

    One of my favorite things about social media is the community that can be created by sharing certain things about your life. The more you share of the real you (if you’re comfortable with it), the more you can connect with others who may be going through the same thing. You may find support from people you never expected. I strive to share open and real moments with my followers because I want to break away from the ‘everything’s fun and perfect’ view that social media often present to people.

  4. Use social media to uplift your friends and make people laugh.

    One of my favorite things about social media is the ability to tag friends in funny or inspiring posts. You never know what people are going through in that moment and it’s nice to be tagged in things that can randomly make you laugh or smile. I love social media’s ability to connect me with my friends that are far away, in an instant and send them some love. Fill your social media use with positivity.

  5. Cut the comparisons.

    No one’s life is as dandy and fun looking as it is on social media. We all have bad days. We all have things happen to us out of our control. This one is just a reminder that only YOU know what’s best for you. Shift your focus on social media from one of wanting to be like others and using it to instill happiness and realness all around you instead. Check yourself when you find that you are thinking negative things and FIND A CUTE PUPPY PICTURE.

Remember: You are YOU and there is no amount of Instagram likes that can top that magic.

Have beautiful day,
