The Best Tips for Running More

best tips for running

I had never considered myself a runner until this year. Sure I have used running as a workout for years, but I never saw myself as one until recently. Before I dive into the tips, let me give you a little bit of backstory so that you know that if you currently don’t like running or don’t run at all, it doesn’t matter. I believe ANYONE can be a runner.

I would consider myself pretty athletic. Growing up, I played basketball and volleyball and spent a large amount of time playing volleyball especially (i.e. travel teams). However, I never liked running. It was always presented as a method of conditioning or punishment and looking back, I can understand why I never liked it. Running is definitely a mental sport and these methods always attached a negative connotation to it.

Fast forward to my adult, post-college life, I would go periods of 2-3 months of consistent running, but never stuck with it for longer than that. I pretty much have always enjoyed working out but always switched it up every so often, which is totally fine! I think a lot of that was due to the fact that here in Michigan there is a large portion of the year that it’s too cold and snowy to run outside and I don’t love treadmill running as much as outdoor running. However, I realized that I had to kick this excuse if I wanted running to become a regular and long term habit of mine. Currently today, I have been running consistently every week (at least 3 times) for the last 5 months and finally call myself a runner. A few weeks ago I ran my first 10K and really enjoyed it! Crazy I know!

My tips are both mental and physical, which I think is key to running more often and longer distances. DISCLAIMER: I am no running expert. If you have specific questions about running ask your doctor or someone who is very knowledgeable on the topic. These are simply the steps I took to enjoy running as a consistent hobby. So let’s get started!

  1. Slowly invest in quality running gear.

    This one was especially key for transforming my mental attitude towards running. It all started with me going to a specialty running store and investing in good running shoes that were specifically designed for my wide and flat feet. Check sales and shop a small business in your area for this. Good shoes are KEY!

    I also started buying high quality running clothing. Granted, probably 50% of my running gear is from the thrift store (so this is financially possible and you can find good brands there), but by investing in quality items, it was as if I gave myself permission to be a runner. In the past I have always shied away from purchasing running gear because I didn’t think I would use them enough, and guess what. This resulted in me not running. There was something about making the mental shift that I deserved good gear that gave myself permission to BE a runner.

    I love to use gear as a reward for myself as well. I recently purchased a Nike Waist Belt that holds my phone and keys, etc, as a reward for running my 10K and now I am excited to wear it every time I go for a run. Sometimes it’s the details that help most.

    Yes, you may be thinking, technically you can run in whatever shorts and old t shirt you have at home already. This is true. BUT, if you are struggling with being consistent I highly recommend reevaluating your budget and finding ways to purchase new gear.

  2. Music is important.

    I switch up my playlists CONSTANTLY. I do not like running to the same music two runs in a row, so I am always finding new playlists to listen to. Spotify is great for this and can make it fun to share playlists with other running buddies. I love when I’m trying to push through a tough run and a song that I love and I have completely forgotten about comes on and adds that extra pep in my step to get it done!

  3. Use an app for tracking.

    If you’re especially competitive with yourself, I highly recommend an app that does all the tracking for you to make progress easy to follow. How can you expect to get better if you aren’t keeping track?!

    I am super picky and have to love the apps user experience on my phone and my Apple watch and I love the Nike Running Club most for this. If you have an Apple watch, you can customized the screen you see when you’re running to exactly what you want (i.e. I prefer to see my heart rate, distance, and time).

  4. Set no weekly goals; only monthly and long term.

    This again is another mental strategy that works really well for me. I do not set any type of weekly goals when it comes to running. I aim to run about 3-4 times a week, but I don’t hold myself to any type of schedule. Instead, I give myself a monthly goal of miles to run and if I hit my goal, increase it by 5-10 miles the next month. I also have a long term goal of running a half marathon this year, but it’s simply in the back of my head as something I’m working towards.

    I have found that this is the best system that works for me to get rid of any guilt or feelings of failure, which is KEY in consistency and running long term. Anytime I feel bad about missing a run, I remind myself that this is a LIFE LONG goal, and in the grand scheme of things, missing one run won’t hurt me. I can always do my run tomorrow. I have read and talked to a lot of runners who stop running after training for long races, so I want to make sure that I don’t put too much pressure on myself.

  5. Start with intervals.

    If you are starting from ground zero with running it’s important to remember that IT’S OK TO WALK! NO ONE is judging you. This is your journey and we’re trying to cultivate a love of running here, not burnout. When I first started getting back into running, I was running 2 minutes, than walking 30- 60 seconds. That’s ok! You don’t have to run a straight 5 miles in order to be considered a runner. Start small and every couple of runs try to increase that amount of time that you’re running. You’ll get there!

  6. Figure out what type of runner you are.

    This is another huge factor in what allowed me to increase the distance I was able to run.

    • Time vs. Distance: Figure out if you prefer to run for a set amount of time or a set distance. I personally am a distance girl because I feel more accomplished by how far I run instead of how fast I run. For some reason, the thought of running for a specific amount of time, feels harder to me.

    • Running Loops vs. Running Distance, turning around and running back: This may seem silly but most runners have a preference. There’s something about that halfway point and turning around that fuels me for the second part of my run. I love that I’m able to add extra distance or even shorten my run if I need to, based on my route. Sometimes I feel really great and want to add an extra mile and by running to my halfway point I’m not committed to a specific loop. It’s also a great way to explore new neighborhoods and areas because you can just run and turn back!

  7. Don’t compare your running to anyone else’s.

    Remember: When someone else increases their speed, it does NOT make you any slower. You cannot compare yourself to other people because again, this is your journey. We are all different and the only person you should be striving to get better than is your previous self. I know it can be hard to not do this with social media and fitness everywhere online, but doing your best is all that matters.

  8. Listen to your body.

    I have gotten very good at listening to my body now that I’ve been running consistently for awhile. You know deep down if you are choosing not to run because you don’t feel like or because your body needs some rest. On a day where I REALLY do not feel like running, I will give myself 15 minutes to decide. If after 15 minutes of running, my body still doesn’t want to be running, I’ll stop and walk a couple miles instead. I’m still moving my body so that’s great! Don’t force yourself if you aren’t mentally in it. Most times though, after that 15 minutes, I’m good and ready to keep running.

  9. One long run a week.

    Long run is completely subjective to each of us. Basically, I try to do one run that really pushes me towards my monthly and long term goals per week. Whether it’s a farther distance or running at a faster pace, I find that this is a good rule of thumb for growth for me. Your timeline might be different, but this is what’s worked well for me so far and hey! I just ran my first 10K!

  10. Integrate cross-training workouts, especially yoga.

    Adding yoga and cycling into my workout routine has really helped me stay consistently running. The yoga is great for stretching my muscles and increasing my strength in areas that I might not normally attend to. Cycling is a great low impact way for me to strengthen my legs and glutes, however as you can imagine, I haven’t been able to cycle due to my gym being closed for COVID-19. Some days it’s nice to know I’m working towards my goals while mixing it up and doing something different. I don’t like doing the same thing every day, so this helps me feel like I’m doing something new.

  11. Accept that not all runs will be the most enjoyable or fastest.

    Go into this knowing that you will not be hitting personal records every run and some days will suck. Like everything in life, there are highs and lows, running is no exception. Some days I can run over 6 miles and feel so good when I’m done, even like I could have kept going for longer. Then a few days later, 2 miles feels miserable. This is about long term growth, not short term and you must be wiling to put it in the work on tough days too!

Below are some of the items I love for running:

Nike Slim Waistpack

Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS) I love this thing. I have been using the Series 3 for almost 2 years and she is still going strong! I can still get 2 days of use out of her without charging, but I usually pop her on my charger when I’m showering to add a little extra length.

First Aid Beauty Weightless Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30

Asics Quick Lyte Women’s Running Socks

Smartwool Socks I like these for cooler weather runs.

Fabletics Leggings I don’t buy anything else from them.

BeatsX Wireless Earphones I’ve been using these for 1.5 years and I love them. I can usually get at least 5 runs out of them before having to charge.

I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know in the comments below what your favorite music is to listen to when running!!

Have a great day and get outside and run,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.