Intentional Shopping Faves

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If you have been following me for a while, you know that I try to shop with intention. Today I’m here to share some amazing products made by meaningful companies. Whether they are small, owned by a BIPOC and/or female owner, sustainably made, etc…these are the companies I try extra hard to seek out and support with my purchases. I try to make it a priority to shop secondhand first, but also intentionally if I can’t find it secondhand. These are some of the favorite items and companies I have purchased from recently.

Juvia’s Place Eyeshadows: I share these eyeshadows all the time but I couldn’t write a blog post about intentional shopping and no include these because they are 1. created by a woman of color and 2. amazing quality products. I would say that 90% of the time they are all I use on my clients because I can trust that they will always perform and be stunning.

megababe Rosy Pits Deodorant: I have been on the natural deodorant train for years now (at least 6, maybe longer) and I have tried a lot. Megababe is owned by an amazing woman, Katie Sturino, and her products are created for REAL women problems. While I still love my Native deodorant as well, I love this megababe one just as much!

Bee Joyful Shop Beeswax Wraps: I am so jealous that Kalamazoo now has an ethical and sustainable zero-waste shop! Bee Joyful opened during quarantine, so I jumped on placing an online order when I could. I am obsessed with their Beeswax Wraps because they are the best brand I have tried (even better than the original). They mold so easily and I feel like they seal better than the other brands I’ve tried because they are a little thicker. I highly recommend buying a set if you are looking to cut down on your plastic wrap usage.

Ceramic Incense Holder: I found Hannah Desch Ceramics after an Etsy browse for an incense holder. I wanted a natural texture like ceramic, a neutral color (Mine is white with black speckles) and this fit the bill perfectly. You’d be surprised how hard it is to find a super minimal and earthy incense holder. I love how it’s round but big enough to catch the little ashes that fall as the incense burns. Definitely check out her Etsy page to get a one of a kind incense holder.

Kalamazoo Candle: This is my favorite candle brand. I love that I can purchase them locally at my local Schuler’s bookstore or Whole Food, but I also order online from time to time. If you’re ever in Kalamazoo, you need to check out the store. You can make your own candles which would be a really fun date night (not sure if this is currently going on with COVID precautions so look into that first FYI). They have some really unique and really classic scents and I love the neutral containers they come in. They designed them so that they are easy to reuse, which you know I love! I try to burn only soy candles and I love that they are all 100% natural soy. I am currently burning the Salted Grapefruit scent right now as I write this post and it is so amazing.

Incense Variety Pack of 60 Sticks - Energy Art and Goods: After I purchased my incense holder, I was really happy to stumble upon this big variety pack of 60 Incense sticks, also from Etsy. While not all of the scents were my favorite, it was great to test out a bunch of different scents. I recommend trying this if you are new to incense and don’t know what scents you like yet. They are great quality and burn slowly which I like.

Nerdy Babies Board Books: If you know anyone with babies or kids, you MUST buy them this series. I am slowly collecting them all for my nephews and we are all obsessed. The thing I love most? They are written and illustrated by a Kalamazoo, MI author, Emmy Kastner. As a science nerd myself, it’s really important to me that I find unique books that teach my nieces and nephews science in a fun way!

Fortress Coffee Brazil Santos Roast: I know I’m probably sounding like a broken record by telling you to try Fortress Coffee Co, but guys…. COME ON! What are you waiting for? It’s the only coffee that Mikey and I really buy, not just because we are good friends with the owners, but because it’s our favorite. I love the Brazil Santos roast best, but every roast I’ve tried is amazing!

“Arches” Good + Well Supply Co. Candle: Another candle…can you tell I burn a lot of candles for my clients in my studio? Haha Everyone knows my love for them and the best part is that my people know to give me ones from small businesses. This small business is new to me, but I am so happy to discover it because 1. I LOVE the smell of this Arches candle and 2. I love the concept behind the scents, matching them to various National Parks. The owner, Megan, started a lot of time camping and taking in the scents of the outdoors and this is what inspired these candles. I love it. If you need a gift for someone, get this Arches candle. There’s no way they won’t love it. Again, the tins are also really beautiful and would be great for re-purposing. They also offer incense which I can’t wait to try as well.

What are your favorite businesses to shop at that promote intentional shopping? Comment below and let me know. Have you tried any of the ones I’ve listed? If so, what’s your favorite product from them?

Have a beautiful day,


Twenty Goals for 2020

I have decided to compile a list of goals for the new year, both personally and for Andrea Fontana Beauty and I’ve decided to share them with you for accountability! Share yours below in a comment so we can support one another.

  1. Continue Cycling weekly and purchase a spin bike for myself for my 30th birthday.

  2. Read 50 books.

  3. Master making homemade sourdough bread.

  4. Launch my online thrifted store!

  5. Publish my first cookbook.

  6. Do various 10x10 and 20x20 capsule wardrobe challenges throughout the year to stretch my creativity.

  7. Visit 2 state capitals with Mikey.

  8. Only buy thrifted clothing (with the exception of certain things like under garments, workout pants, etc. and special events that I need specific clothing for).

  9. Book at least 32 weddings/big special events!

  10. Go to Brazil with Mikey in October.

  11. Be more consistent with my blogging each month.

  12. Make more money through my blog (affiliate links, etc.)

  13. Take more time off to travel and spend time with family.

  14. Fully embrace turning 30 in May.

  15. Continue switching my everyday products into reusable ones.

  16. Take periodic social media breaks.

  17. Keep growing and connecting with my amazing community on Facebook and Instagram.

  18. Keep some form of soup nights going throughout the entire year.

  19. Qualify for Amazon Influencer.

  20. Run my first half marathon and start my 30’s off with a bang!

What are you looking to accomplish this year? Tell me below!

Have a great week,


Advice for My Pre-Entrepreneurship Self:

I love supporting other small businesses, but especially those that are women owned. I wanted to write a post to encourage those of you who either own their own or are thinking of starting their own business. It can be a challenging and lonely area to navigate, but I do know one thing. We are all better off supporting one another.

I reached out to a few of my favorite women entrepreneurs and asked them to give me a piece of advice that they would give themselves if they could go back in time before their entrepreneurship journey began. I’ve linked their businesses so please do me a favor and support as many as you can. Check out their websites, follow them on social media, and send them love.

Amanda - Leader of Michigan Tribe

If you’re starting a business because you want more freedom, go get a job instead.

Meredith - Owner of Tiny Bits Of Happiness

Embrace being a beginner. Everything will feel new. A lot of stuff is going to feel hard or difficult and you will most likely question yourself at least a million times. You may feel like you are not enough of something, and friend, you are so so enough. Have so much grace with your heart and remember grit makes us tougher. Persist and embrace this exciting new beginning of a chapter. You will probably feel like you are lost at sea a few times, and I'm a true believer in that means you are growing. You've swam away from the shore and you are allowing yourself to get lost and you are allowing yourself to grow. Remember, growing doesn't always feel good. Seek out community. Talk about what's on your heart. And reach out and gather insights from people who are farther along. So many people have been turning around giving out advice, insight and help for free. So while this beginning is a whole lot of things, just remember you are beginning and growing and you are made to do this.

Margaret - Owner of Edgewood Place Occasions & Fortress Coffee Co.

You don’t have to have it all together and it’s okay for your business to evolve. When I started out I thought I had to have everything in place before I “officially started” and I think it hindered me in a way, because I kept pushing off just starting. I was very consumed with getting everything right the first time. Since then my business has changed about four different times and I often feel like I have no idea what I’m doing! But it’s evolved naturally and is now something that feels like the perfect fit. It’s okay to learn as you go and to start before you think you’re ready!

Liz - Owner & Creator of The Lemon Bowl

Don’t let subconscious thought loops from your childhood dictate your reality as an adult.

Kherington - Creator & Owner of Currently Kherington

There's power in saying "no" + that being told "no" is a good thing! I feel like saying "no" + being told "no" actually frees you up to focus on what's important and ultimately means you're honing in on your overall mission/vision. I can honestly say anytime I've put myself out there + have been told "no" it wasn't definite. I ended up working with those same businesses down the line or they referred me for other work that I was a better fit for along the way. + when you can confidently say "no" to a project that may come your way, never feel regret - especially if it isn't in harmony with the bottom line and future of your business. While being a busy mom, wife, + business owner - let's just say my time + sanity are valuable + have thanked me wholeheartedly for this!

Julie Wardi - Owner of 325BLVD Boutique & Blog

I started my online boutique a few years ago. I was pretty young and didn't have much knowledge going in. I think my biggest mistake then, was rushing. I was in such a rush to finish everything that I didn't take the time I needed to make sure everything was the quality that I had envisioned. I closed the site for a while and I recently re-opened it. I think that when starting a business, you'll never truly have all the answers and knowledge - those things come with time and experience. But I do think that my advice to myself would be to slow down! Make sure that things are done the correct way. If something goes wrong, that's okay, just make sure to fix it, even if it puts a bump in your timeline. In the end, you'll be way happier that your finished product is exactly how you wanted it - instead of having a half-ass product, that was finished quickly.

Thank you to all of the amazing women entrepreneurs who contributed to this post!

If you own a business and have some advice, please be sure to comment below and leave it for my readers!

Have a beautiful day,


The Grand Opening of Apricot Lane Jackson!

*All photos in this post were taken by ‘Photography by Sarah Trumble’. You can find her on Instagram (@photosbysarahtrumble) and Facebook (Photography by Sarah Trumble).

I am so excited to share this project because I love all of the women that I met through this opportunity. I originally met Jenny (the owner) at a Michigan Tribe meeting a few months ago. I was thrilled when she reached out and asked me to do makeup for their first big photo shoot to coincide with the Grand Opening of their store in Jackson, Michigan.

Apricot Lane Jackson is a beautifully curated store that offers mostly clothing items, but also some great accessories and gift items too. I picked up some awesome hair accessories and a graphic tee when I went to the Grand Opening sale. I also love that they are supporting local small businesses, such as my friend Alison of a. rose designs! They have some of her mugs and signs for sale too!

I had such a great time and I’m so excited to share some of the photos from the shoot below. To see more, head to their Instagram or Facebook pages. Be sure to like their content and if you’re ever near Jackson, go check out the beautiful store in the Westwood Mall.

I was originally going to share the items I got from the Grand Opening sale within this post, but have decided to use them in a future thrifted style post, because they pair so well with some of the items I’ve thrifted recently. Be on the look out for that!

Congrats to Jenny and her awesome team of ladies on the opening of a really fun and beautiful store that is very welcoming and enjoyable to visit.

*If you are a local small business owner and are looking for a makeup artist for future photo shoots, please email me at for more information.

Have a great day,
