January Schmanuary

I’m sure you’ve all seen the memes joking about how January has felt like it’s lasted a year (I just posted one to my own stories…so I’m with you). I knew at the beginning of the month I wanted to reflect on January when it was over because first off, I’m big on self reflection, but secondly, I was curious to see how it compared to January 2018. So here we go. While these reasons might not apply to you specifically, the purpose of this post is to get you to think and self reflect about your own first month of the year. Self reflection is my greatest tool for making changes in my life and learning how to grow.

This month threw me for a freaking loop. I started it off feeling refreshed from extra time off around the holidays, spending much of it with family and generally feeling ready to tackle the new year. I’m not one to set new years resolutions, but I have always been excited to jump into new goals and get going again.

So I went on my merry way, creating timelines and ideas for Andrea Fontana Beauty, announcing my cookbook, and overall feeling really good about where I was heading. I was blessed enough to welcome a new niece into the world within the first week and things were really looking great! But then the next morning, I slipped on ice and bruised my tailbone terribly by falling down concrete stairs. At that moment the energy changed for the whole month. I thankfully had a mastermind weekend full of inspiration the following weekend, and while I thought this would prevent me from feeling low, it didn’t.

I spent the majority of it feeling frustrated, lazy, and mad at myself. But, if I could pick one way to describe how I felt at the end of January 2018: anxiety. If I could sum up how I felt at the end of January 2019: anxiety.

Anyone else sensing a pattern here besides me? Haha I’ve noticed on social media that this seems to be a common trend for others, so let’s dig in here a little bit. Why do I feel so anxious when I start the year off?

Goals are great, don’t get me wrong, but I struggle with the constant ‘DON’T EVER STOP WORKING’ mentality that you can find among the entrepreneurship community. Que the ‘Beyonce has the same number of hours in a day as you do’ memes. The ideal that there is always something you can be working on is great, but honestly poses a real threat for me because I’m a person who doesn’t know how to shut off sometimes. I can get going, full steam ahead, and forget about how to care for myself and to simply just sit and be.

Overall, I’m a person who enjoys schedules. I like to plan and know where I’m going to be one month, or even 3 months out. A lot of that is because the nature of the wedding industry involves planning so far out in advance, but I can be shaken by large changes to my schedule. Last January and this January both posed the same threats to my anxiety. Two situations, completely out of my control.

I’m hoping tomorrow when the calendar changes from January to February, I’m able to shake off the guilt of losing my entire workout regimen that I had cultivated for months and also not really working much this past week with the polar vortex. I was able to start fresh last February and look at it as a new month, so I’m hoping to see a similar trend this year.

So what have I learned?

My new theme of January is going to be GRACE. Give myself grace with the fact that January just is not, and maybe will never be my month, and THAT IS OK! I will probably not work as much as every other month and that is ok. It will likely include snow days and cancelled plans, and that is ok. I may fall on ice and not be able to visit my gym for a whole month, and that is ok. I might not put out as many blog posts as I wanted to, and that is ok.

Because here’s the thing. It’s going to be ok. Anxiety has this weird ability to trickle down into every category of your life and make you feel like you are a failure. But guess what, you are not. I am not.

I’m personally trying to view my life in a more seasonal way, as opposed to needing every month to look the same all year. I may run more in the summer than in the winter, but that’s just what life is. Seasons of success and seasons of rest. Both can exist at the same time. Sometimes resting is succeeding. Sometimes running too fast is failing you. Regardless, GIVE yourself grace when it comes to goals and do not let yourself think for a second that you are not doing a good enough job.

You are enough and I am here for you if you want to talk about this more.

I hope February is kind to you, regardless of what January looked like.


How to Combat Winter Skin Blues

This post goes out to all my readers who are currently suffering through the negative temperatures with me. I heard a stat yesterday that said that today 85% of the US would be at or below freezing temps, so I’m going to guess this will be useful for you no matter where you’re reading from! Winter has certainly arrived in the Midwest and I’m here to give you some tips on how you can give your skin the extra little bit of TLC that it’s probably craving right about now.

Layer on the moisturizer before you leave the house, whether or not you are wearing makeup. I cannot explain how important it is to go out into the cold moisturized. You need the protective barrier as you go in and out of varying temperature extremes to make sure you don’t end up drier.

If you are wearing makeup, try skipping the primer, applying a heavy layer of moisturizer and not waiting for it to completely absorb before blending your foundation in. I know this might sound crazy, but if you are dry, foundation can sometimes accentuate your fine lines, dry patches, and texture. If you have a good thick layer of moisturizer on instead of primer, you can blend your foundation into your skin better and it’s less likely to catch on the texture. The moisturizer I like to use for this and for the previous tip is the Weleda Skin Food. It is amazing for both of these purposes and smells so good!

Even if you’re oily, you need to be moisturizing. Even if you are using a gel cream ( I like this one from Belif), please do not think that because you are oily you can skip the moisturizer, even in the dead of winter. While we may need differing levels of hydration during this time of year, you need to at least be protecting from water loss in your skin.

If you’re worried about clogging your pores from heavier creams, exfoliate and purify first! I love to use my Herbivore Botanicals Blue Tansy mask before hydrating. This way my skin is exfoliated, purified, and calmed before I hydrate it. It also lessens the likelihood that I will break out. After I exfoliate, if I want to do more than just moisturize, I will throw on my Farmacy Honey Potion Mask because it is hydrating, calming, and anti-bacterial. I highly recommend this combo of masks for those of you who are struggling with acne-prone but dry skin right now!

AMP up your Hylauronic acid. Make sure that you are using a hyaluronic acid serum right now. Simply press it into your skin all over your face before you moisturize and it will help you retain water. This is especially important with the dry heat we are experiencing indoors. I really like the one from Trader Joe’s. While I couldn’t find the link for you, there are many cleaner options for you out there.

Hydrate with rose water sprays. I love spraying my face during my routine with rose water spray because it helps drawn in more moisture. These little steps are key in keeping your skin happy during this weather. Just be sure you are doing them in the right order. Click here to read my previous post about a common beauty mistake I see people making online that has to do with rose water sprays. I like this spray from Trader Joe’s and this one from Pacifica.

Consistently exfoliate. Whether it’s daily with a subtle toner or every few days with a mask, it’s vital right now to continue exfoliating so that when we apply our other products, they aren’t being blocked by dead skin cells. You can add the most expensive and effective moisturizer on your skin, but it still will not hydrate dead skin cells. Make the most of your money and be consistent with exfoliating and the rest of your products will be that much more effective. WARNING: do a test patch before you use your normal face masks, even if it is a mask you have used before. Sometimes due to the cold we can be more sensitive than normal. If this is the case, rely on a gentler exfoliating toner instead.

Get that humidifier for you bedroom. If you don’t already have one and experience really dry skin in the winter, you NEED to invest in one for while you are sleeping. I have bought this one from Vicks twice because it’s just a good one. I know you can probably find a higher quality humidifier but here’s my thought process. I’d rather buy one more inexpensively and toss it every few years because of the maintenance it requires. One thing that is vital with humidifiers is making sure you are being proactive with cleaning them. I would use a humidifier cleanser with it every few days and clean it out completely every so often (and then pitch it every other year). With moisture comes a perfect environment for mold so just be aware of that.

I hope this tips help you stay afloat in this nasty Polar Vortex. Stay warm, stay hydrated, and stay moisturized!


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.

S.O.S. #5: Common Beauty Mistakes You Need to Know About

I have missed writing my Science of Skincare (S.O.S.) posts, so I’m back today with one that I think everyone needs to read! If you have ideas for future S.O.S. topics you want me to tackle, please leave a comment below or message me with your idea. To see previous S.O.S. posts click here.

In this new world of influencers it can be difficult to distinguish who we can trust to get our information from. My recommendation is to ALWAYS do your research yourself. Even if you’re getting your information from ME! haha You know yourself best. If someone is constantly promoting specific brands but doesn’t seem to know much about the product, etc, be wary of what they are saying and look into the product a little further before you purchase it.

These warnings are what have inspired this post. While I am a complete product junkie at heart, I also have a license in skincare and a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology. I am constantly seeing people promoting products and giving wrong information. Am I perfect? NO WAY! But I am always thinking of what I can do to teach healthier skincare so I want to give tips where I can for those who want to learn!

With that being said, here are some common beauty mistakes that I’ve recently seen on social media that I want to talk about. At the very least, I hope you learn from this how easy it is to spread bad information and to think twice before doing what the internet tells you, (even including this post)!

Mistake #1: You don’t need an SPF during the day if you put on an exfoliating product at night.

I often see people talking about how you should put exfoliating products on at night because if you use them during the day, you need to wear an SPF with them…while technically it’s true that you need an SPF during the day if you apply them, you still need one if you apply it at night! This means if you apply an exfoliating product (i.e. scrubs, toners, chemically exfoliating night mask, etc) you need to wear your SPF for DAYS afterwards, even if you only apply it once. (P.S. that shouldn’t be a big deal though because you wear your daily SPF though….right?! haha). Let’s dive into this a little further.

The reason you use these products at night is because while you are sleeping your body does most of it’s repairative work. So your expensive serums and moisturizers are best to be used at night. We often exfoliate at night before applying these products so that we get better product penetration and max effectiveness.

When you exfoliate your skin you are ridding the top surface of it, from dead skin cells. This means you are exposing fresher, newer cells that haven’t been exposed to the sun. THIS is the reason you need to be wearing your SPF consistently after an exfoliation. It’s not like the exfoliating ingredients are going to magically make you burn if the sun hits them.

If this process doesn’t make sense to you…PLEASE message me and I can explain this further. Sun protection is the NUMBER ONE way to prevent damaging and aging your skin.

Mistake #2: Using a mist a the end of a skincare routine.

I get that mists are a big thing right now, and they can be extremely beneficial for hydration and calming your skin, but if you apply them after moisturizing, you’re wasting the product. Light mists simply cannot penetrate over products with a thicker viscosity. When structuring your skincare routine, you want to use the thinnest products first, and move towards thicker ones, leaving your oils and heavy creams for the end. They will have such a hard time absorbing and won’t give you the skincare benefits you are thinking you are getting.

Mistake #3: Rubbing my face is the best way to apply products.

The way in which you apply a product can often be JUST as important as the product you are applying. Think about how often you do your skincare routine. For most of us, that is twice a day. If you are pulling on your skin twice a day, over time that is going to leave some serious damage to your skin. We already have to do so much to combat aging, why add to it?

Overall you need to be doing more patting and less rubbing when applying, but if you want to know the proper way to apply different types of products, PLEASE read my post “How to Touch Your Face” here. I think this one is really important. When in doubt, always remember to use less pressure and move in an upward and outward direction.

Remember, take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt, ESPECIALLY when it comes to your health. Do your research. Not everything works the same for everyone. But learn to establish good habits for yourself. You owe it to yourself.

Have a beautiful day,


How to Cook More (Part 2)

A little over a year ago, I wrote a post called “How to Cook More” and you guys really loved it. Click here to read that one first and learn the inspiration behind it.

I wanted to write a follow up post because as I’m writing my cookbook, I’m thinking a lot about the topic of how to inspire people to get into their kitchens more. So I’m back with more ways to share with you on how to cook more. As usual, I love when these posts can be the start of a bigger conversation, so be sure to comment below and let me know what really got you into cooking.

Reminder, if you want to get on my cookbook list and be the first to learn all about it, click here.

Start with one-pot recipes.

I often find that the kitchen can be very overwhelming for people and for most of us, the worst part about cooking is all the huge mess we can make. Also the thought of having to manage multiple burners or things in the oven can be stressful. To that I say, start with one-pot meals. Whether it’s an entire cookbook you purchase on one-pot meals, or you search it on Pinterest, getting your feet wet with simple recipes will help you see that you CAN do it. Then once you feel comfortable, you can dive into dishes with a little more complexity and learn new skills.

Clean as you go.

To go off of the last topic, the mess created from cooking a meal can deter you from starting in the first place. So often we create this huge mess and at the end think, '“well that wasn’t worth it'…” and never make the recipe again. Be strict with yourself and anytime you have 3 minutes or so, wash a dish or two that you are no longer using. This way, when the meal is done, all you have to clean is the dishware you ate on and maybe a pot or serving bowl. If you deal with anxiety you may also find cooking less challenging if the environment you are doing it in is tidy and calm.

Start small.

Sometimes when we make goals we are all or nothing. We go all out and eventually get burnt out, so I suggest instead of saying, “I’m going to cook dinner every night this week and no take out'“, challenge yourself to cooking just one or two nights during the week instead. Once you create that habit, you can increase the amount of cooking you do, little by little.

Start by learning how to make your favorite foods.

If learning how to make your favorite foods at home isn’t a source of inspiration, then I don’t know what is! I think we often think that we have to learn how to cook only healthy meals, but if you’re just getting started in the kitchen, learning how to make your favorite foods will help you become confident and really enjoy the experience. I often challenge myself to try tons of recipes for that one meal until I find my favorite.

Invite people over to eat.

Sometimes if we live alone or with our significant other, it can seem like a lot of work to cook for a small amount of people. Invite some friends over and give meaning to the meal you are preparing. Cooking for the people I love is my favorite thing to do and you might find that you really enjoy it too! Maybe vow to yourself that you want to start hosting small dinners for friend’s birthdays or even just because it’s Friday and you made it through another week! Whatever the occasion, sharing the fruits of your labor can be a great source of inspiration for getting in the kitchen to do the work.

If you’re curious what cookbooks I love, click this link and you can see all of my posts relating to cookbooks I have and why I love them (including my Cookbook Gift Guide from December)!

Remember, cooking is a fun way to express your creativity. If you mess up, you can always try again tomorrow!

Have a beautiful day,


Books I've Read Recently #3

I realized the other day while I was wrapped up in a cozy blanket and yet another book, that I haven’t shared what I’ve been reading recently. If you’re anything like me, you love to see what people are reading so I am back today with quite the long list of books I’ve recently read. As usual, I’ll share a few cookbooks at the end as well. I am pretty proud of how many I read this year.

In case you missed the big announcement over on Instagram and Facebook, I am writing and publishing a cookbook of my very own! I’m still in the writing process, but if you’d like to be the first to know any updates with the book, please CLICK HERE to be added to the list. I’m excited to share more of this adventure with you all in the coming months.

THE FEMALE PERSUASION by Meg Wolitzer: I really liked how this book highlighted the role of a mentor and how we can sometimes build things into such fantasies in our heads. This was one that kept me intrigued the whole time and I couldn’t put it down. I honestly picked it up because I was drawn to the cover, but was pleasantly surprised to see how much I enjoyed the story. It felt very relatable  for those fresh out of college figuring out what they want to do with their lives.

EDUCATED by Tara Westover: I was in awe of the author’s story in this book. It’s a memoir and tells the story of the childhood, growth and success of Tara Westover. It truly leaves you feeling like if she can accomplish whatever she put her mind to, so can you. I found her story so interesting and I think you will too.

ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE by Gail Honeyman: This one has gotten a lot of buzz this year and I can definitely see why. Talk about a book with a plot twist! I was sucked into this one and read it in a few days. I really shows how in order to survive you have to open your heart. I heard it’s being made into a movie so if you are a ‘read before you watch’ kind of girl like me, get on this one!

SHARP OBJECTS by Gillian Flynn: After the HBO show came out, I knew I wanted to read this book before I watched the series. It was a quick and easy read for me and I really liked it. The ending was different than I had predicted and I always love being surprised by a book like that. I still need to watch the show because I LOVE Amy Adams.

THE SPY by Paulo Coelho: I hated this one. I really thought I would like it but it was just really boring and hard to get into. It tells the story of Mata Hari, and how she became this incredibly talented spy. While it’s fun to read about a woman who was able to snake her way in and out of relationships and places she didn’t belong, I would say skip this one.

THIS HOUSE IS HAUNTED by John Boyne: If you read my previous book posts, you might notice that I read John Boyne’s newest book earlier this year. I loved that one and while I did like this one, it was a completely different style of book. It’s a haunted thriller (duh Andrea…look at the title), but it wasn’t as scary as I had been hoping.

HARRY POTTER AND THE (SORCERER’S STONE, CHAMBER OF SECRETS, PRISONER OF AZKABAN, GOBLET OF FIRE) by J.K. Rowling: I am 28 years old and had never read anything Harry Potter before this year. My boyfriend finally convinced me that with as much reading as I do, there was no excuse not to pick up the books. So I did it. I technically am on the 6th book but read #5 this year in 2019, so it’s not included here. You guessed it; I have become a complete Harry Potter nerd and I am obsessed with everything, especially all of the fine details. I can say it, I LOVE HARRY POTTER.

THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho: I finally read this one after hearing basically everyone I know talk about what a classic book it is. I really did like it, but I don’t know if it was because it was so hyped up for me that it wasn’t really what I expected. I’d say if you haven’t it’s a great story that you can get through really quickly.

TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee: My good friends and I started our own book club in December which I am very grateful for. First up was this classic and I’m happy we read it. I’m sure 99% of you reading this had to read it at some point in school. I remembered nothing about it except the name Boo Radley, and was pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up loving this book. I highly recommend picking it up and visiting others that you may have read when you were at a different point of your life. I find it fascinating to see how different books can affect us just based on what stage of life we are going through.

SALT, FAT, ACID, HEAT by Samin Nosrat: I practically worship the ground Samin walks on at this point haha. If you haven’t watched her Netflix series of the same title, do it now. Then go buy this cookbook. I think EVERY cook needs to have this in the kitchen. It’s full of knowledge and I really think it would help those who want to feel more comfortable in the kitchen.

THE SOPRANOS FAMILY COOKBOOK by Artie Bucco & Allen Rucker: I have found myself referring to this book a lot in the recent months for classic Italian recipes. Fun fact: Mikey bought me this book awhile ago because he always gets hungry when he watches the Sopranos. haha It’s a good one and if you like good Italian food, highly recommend. I’ve been thinking recently about cooking my way through an entire cookbook, and this one might be the one I do it with.

Share in the comments below what you’ve been reading and loving! Book recommendations are something I will NEVER stop wanting.

Happy reading,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.

Best Beauty Discoveries of 2018

I wanted to share a recap of my favorite products that I discovered in 2018 so that’s what I’m bringing you today. I’m overall pretty happy with what I tried last year. Nothing stood out as being terrible and wasted money so that’s always a plus. Be sure to let me know after reading, what you discovered and loved last year! (I am only including items that were new to me in 2018 that I hadn’t previously tried)


Lash Paradise Mascara: I was skeptical to try this mascara out because it’s supposed to be a dupe for the Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara and I do not like that one. However, this is now tied with my longtime favorite Loreal Voluminous mascara. It does a great job thickening and voluminizing without getting clumpy. I also really like the wand.

Maybelline Master Strobing Liquid Illuminating Highlighter: I’ve said this a few times over the course of the year, but I would call this liquid highlighter a pretty close dupe for the Becca Shimmering Skin Protector in Opal. Most days I mix it right in with my foundation and it gives me a great all over glow. If you’re worried about being covered in chunky glitter when you do this, do not fear! This one definitely is subtle but beautiful.

Fenty Beauty Match Stix Matte Skinstick in ‘Amber’: This is my absolute favorite way to contour. The shade is perfectly cool-toned and blends effortlessly. If I had to pick my favorite makeup find from all of 2018 this would be it!

Rituel de Fille Rare Light Luminizer in ‘Anthelion’: I fell in love with these luminizers on a videoshoot I did at the beginning of last year and have loved them all year long. I love how easy and blendable this one is for everyday makeup, but still great for a full glam.

Juvia’s Place Eyeshadow Palettes: I didn’t discover these palettes until November but boy am I glad that I did! After buying one (The Warrior Palette) I immediately bought three more and am continuously impressed with the quality and pigmentation of these shadows. Highly recommend you checking them out if you are looking for a new palette.

Glossier Generation G Lipsticks: I picked up the shades ‘Cake’ and ‘Zip’ after Glossier relaunched with new packaging and I am obsessed. Both are staple shades every woman should have. They apply as a lip stain would and are perfect for beginners who are new to lipstick. I will forever keep these two shades in my purse. If you haven’t ordered from Glossier before a.) good luck not getting addicted and b.) click the link below for 10% off your first order!

***For 10% OFF your first Glossier purchase click here

Glossier Boy Brow: Enter one of the best products I’ve ever tried in my life. I used to think that Benefit was the only company who could make a great brow gel but boy was I wrong. I use the shade black and I cannot express to you how badly you need Boy Brow in your life. It gives me just the write amount of tint on my brows and still looks like hair. If you learn anything from reading this post, let it be that you need to try this product. Your BROWS need you to.

Milk Makeup Holographic Stick in ‘Mars’: I bought this product last spring because I was drawn to the color. It’s a rosy gold highlighting stick and I use it now when I want one product to make my cheeks look glowier and a little rosier. It’s a great no-makeup, makeup product and just makes your skin look healthier!

Glossier Lash Slick Mascara: The other best mascara I tried this year was this one. It’s the first mascara I’ve ever tried that cannot make your lashes look clumpy and lasts the ENTIRE day without budging at all. It’s not what I’d wear with a dramatic eyeshadow look because it’s not really that voluminous. It makes you look like you have naturally dark, long, and beautiful lashes! I’d say it’s great if you’re looking for a simple and natural every day mascara that will last all day!


Dr. Jart Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment: This would probably be my favorite skincare discovery of 2018. I wear it almost every day when I’m not wearing makeup. It gives me color correction (reduces my redness), moisturizes me a little more (I still wear moisturizer under it), and is my physical SPF. I cannot recommend this product enough if you need a product to do all or some of those things. I know it looks expensive but it lasts forever and you can try out a smaller size first if you want!

Weleda Skin Food: I freaking love Skin Food. It’s not a new one, but it was the first time I bought it after hearing about how great it was for years. The smell alone is amazing. If you need a good natural moisturizer to really lock in moisture, even if you have sensitive skin, this one is for you! I personally think everyone should own a tube of it regardless of your skin type.

Acure Brightening Cleansing Gel: On my quest to only buy toxin-free skincare this year, I discovered this Acure cleanser and I’m obsessed. The fresh lemon scent is great and I love how clean my skin feels without being stripped of every oil. I also love how inexpensive it is for being so clean and good for your skin.

French Girl Organics Rose Facial Polish: I normally am very anti-physical exfoliators, but when I worked on that video shoot early last year I discovered this product and I’m obsessed. It’s a little messy, so I like to keep it in my shower and use it about 2-3 times per week. It uses brown rice starch to exfoliate and I especially love that it has clay in it, so after gently massaging it into my skin, I can let it sit for the remainder of my shower and it helps clean some of the impurities as well.

Herbivore Botanicals Blue Tansy Mask: I just freaking love this mask and believe everyone needs it. It’s extremely clean and is amazing for those who suffer from acne. I love how blue tansy is calming for the inflammation associated with breakouts. I especially love that it tells you to use it a few days in a row after a breakout to really help clear it up and then it tells you to taper it off for upkeep.

There you have it! Those are the products I loved trying in 2018. What did you try and how did you feel about it? Comment below and let me know, especially if you made some great discoveries! I’m excited to see what I discover this year.

Have a beautiful day,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.

Refreshed for 2019

I wasn’t going to write anything about the new year because I’m sure by now you’re inundated with information on how to start the new year off on the right foot. However, I’ve taken a little time off this holiday season and it doesn’t seem quite right to jump into 2019 without a little post on what the new year looks like to me.

I only want to give one piece of advice this January as you set your goals and decide what you’d like 2019 to look like for you:

Goals are nothing and completely pointless if you do not know what works best for you.

So do yourself a favor before you start mapping things out. Make a list of the ways you learn best and work the hardest.

For me, I’m extremely visual. I need a hard copy of a planner and separate areas for work, personal goals, financial goals, etc. I need to create goals monthly and look at them every single day. I wholeheartedly believe that I have been successful in my debt journey because every week I update my current debt in my planner and look at it every. single. day.

We all do things differently and that’s ok! While all of these lists and ideas that people are writing for you are helpful, nothing will work if you do not know yourself. So I encourage you this January, to listen to yourself and be realistic. Ease yourself gently into the new year.

Developing the relationship you have with yourself and being honest is the best thing you can do!

I hope you have the best start to 2019. I’ll probably be back at the end of the month with personal updates on how I started the year off, so look for that and remember not to put too much pressure on yourself!

Have a beautiful day,


An Afternoon in Chicago

I love Chicago and this past weekend I visited it for some fun with friends who live in the city. I wanted to share my Saturday afternoon activities with you in a post because I highly recommend recreating it yourself! It was the perfect amount of fun, food and relaxation.

I headed into the city from Lansing on the Amtrak. If you’ve never traveled by train and this is an option in your area, I highly recommend it. Mainly because I love having the entire 3.5 to 4 hours to read, watch Netflix, listen to music etc. I love it because you arrive right downtown. It would take me about the same amount of time to drive it but Michigan winters are too unpredictable for me to trust that the roads will be safe and clean to drive on. Plus I hate having to deal with a car in the city. While I arrive Friday, I want to highlight Saturday afternoon because my good friend Nick killed it when it came to planning a run day.


First off, we headed to Bar Pastoral in Lakeview for brunch. It was a cozy space decorated for Christmas and we got to sit in a little bench nook in one of the front windows which is my absolute favorite. When the grapefruit mimosas arrived, I knew we were off to a great start to our day.

We split this beautiful charcuterie board of meats, cheese, spreads, and bread and boy was it delicious! Next door to the restaurant is Pastoral, where you can buy wine, meats, cheeses, spreads and more which was fun to visit after our meal. For my meal I chose the Biscuit BLTA which was divine! It was a turkey, bacon, avocado crema, & tomato sandwich on a biscuit with amazing potatoes on the side. The sriracha mayo that the potatoes came in was unreal too. I was in heaven. (In case you’re wondering “Wait a minute Andrea. I thought you couldn’t eat Gluten…?”, you are not wrong! Haha! I have medicine I can take to be able to tolerate gluten and not get sick, but I only use it in situations like this when I’m not at home and want to enjoy a meal out). Highly suggest having brunch at Bar Pastoral, and I’d even gamble and say their dinners are amazing too! Everything that came to our table was so delicious!


After brunch, we walked down to the grocery store Mariano’s where I got an espresso shot to negate my after-brunch coma I was starting to sink into. The espresso was awesome and my friend Nick mentioned that he prefers their coffee to Starbucks. Once I was refueled we headed over to the wine bar for a glass of wine. They offer a wine of the month and you can get a glass of the special for $3! It was a really delicious Pinot Noir. I wish I had remembered to get the name of the wine, but I completely forgot. Blame the brunch.

Next, we hopped in an Uber and went to a location I had been DREAMING of. Nick just knows me so well and planned for us to head into the amazing Restoration Hardware location in the Gold Coast neighborhood. I cannot even tell you how long I have wanted to go here, so I basically screamed when I found out that’s what we were doing. Walking through the beautifully renovated old building with a glass of wine in hand is a complete experience. There are 5 floors of stunning rooms and it doesn’t feel like a store. I can’t wait to go back in the summer and go out on the rooftop too! I especially loved the atrium in the center that has extremely high ceilings, a beautiful fountain and so much greenery. Next, I think I’l definitely eat a meal at the cafe.


I left Restoration Hardware feeling an immense sense of motivation and inspiration. While I currently can’t afford anything from the showroom, you can’t but help to dream of what the future could look like with hard work and perseverance. I cannot wait to buy something from there some day. I highly recommend visiting a place of inspiration like this because I think it’s important to see goals right before your eyes. It makes anything feel possible and I’m so grateful we went.


Lastly, we walked over to The Goddess and the Grocer where I had a yummy little Italian Sandwich that was super tasty. If you need a quick bite, this is a great little stop on State St.

While this was only a slice of the fun I had in Chicago, I highly recommend checking these places out! The best part was that I honestly didn’t really spend that much money either. What are some of your favorite spots in Chicago? I am always adding to my list for future visits. Comment below and let me know!

Have a wonderful day,


Alert the press! I'm actually talking about hair! (...plus a Formulate + Co. Giveaway)

You read that right. I, Andrea Fontana, am talking about hair today. Why is this weird? I don’t know much about hair. I know I work in the beauty industry, but I’m an esthetician which means I am NOT licensed in hair, and honestly don’t know much about hair because it really doesn’t interest me.


I’m excited to be collaborating with a haircare company that is changing the game and making shopping for shampoo and conditioner easy for even the hair incompetent like ME! I personally have very straight and easy to manage hair. I can take a shower, let it air dry, and not have to straighten, de-frizz, curl, or any of the other things so many women do. I know how lucky I am, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have areas I want my hair to improve. My hair can be dry in the winter, have dandruff issues, get staticky (is that a word? haha), get greasy at the roots, lie super flat, and more.

I was so excited when Formulate + Co, emailed me and wanted to do a collaboration, mainly because I never know what I’m looking for when I’m shopping for new shampoo and conditioner. I love how the process was completely custom yet super easy…there’s even an app for it!

Either download the app, or visit their website and you can begin the process. I told them where I live (genius if you ask me, since weather can be so determining in hair health), the current status of my hair, whether I colored it (I have never), and what improvements I’d like to see. I even got to pick my scent and decided how strong I wanted it to be (yes! it’s THAT custom).

So here’s what I chose for my hair goals:

  • Prevent thinning (I mean doesn’t hurt right? haha)

  • Lengthen

  • Oil Control

  • Volumize

  • Hydration

Then, I chose to the scent Freshly Squeezed (a sweet orange delicious citrus scent) and chose to have it strongly scented because I looooove citrus smells!

Overall, I’m obsessed with my shampoo and conditioner. I try to only wash my hair every few days and ever since I started using these custom products I’ve been able to wash about every 3-4 days which is great! I do use dry shampoo sometimes if I’ve worked out and want to ‘clean’ my hair, but I really feel like I’ve noticed help with my oil control, yet my hair has felt hydrated. I honestly haven’t noticed much static in my hair which could be that it hasn’t been extremely cold yet this winter, but who knows!

Here are some other details that I love about this process:

  • All shampoos/conditioners are always sulfate-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free, & cruelty-free. They are technically not vegan because they source their keratin from wool, but if you want it formulated vegan you can get it that way!

  • If you want to make changes to your next bottle, it’s really easy to control your settings in the app or on the website.

  • If you want to omit certain ingredients because you’re vegan, allergic, etc, you can ask them to not add them! (Super cool)

  • The packing is beautiful in your shower and I love that they have pumps! This made transferring to my travel bottles really easy for showers at my gym.

Now for the exciting part… Formulate + Co is giving away a free custom Shampoo & Conditioner set to one of my readers! All you have to do is click the link below to enter! (The giveaway closes on December 26th at midnight so hurry up and enter ASAP!) Even if you don’t win, you will receive a $5 off coupon for entering, so I highly encourage entering!


I purposely wanted to end this giveaway around Christmas to be able to gift one of you an extra gift this year! Thank you to everyone who reads my blog and supports Andrea Fontana Beauty all year long. You guys are the best and I am so grateful!

Have a beautiful day and GOOD LUCK!


Stressed vs. Busy

This is a topic that I find myself thinking and talking about often. I’m sharing it today in hopes that you will digest it and see if you need to make any changes in your life. Your life can look very different from the outside than it actually is, so I think it will be helpful to read the whole post through and ask yourself if there are any changes you want to make. I find that this is especially important to discuss as the holidays draw closer and the new year will be upon us shortly.

I am personally a very busy person. If you go all the way back to when I was in high school, it is a part of my personality. I played a sport almost every season, was a good student and just overall did better being busy. I don’t enjoy having too much free time on my hands to sit around. I’ve never been much of a TV watcher so Netflix binge-watching has never been my thing either. I like to keep my schedule FULL of things to do, places to visit, work to do, books to read, etc.

Someone once asked me how I do it? They wondered about how stressed I must be because my plate is always full and I’m always doing things. My answer is simply this:

There is a big difference between being stressed and being busy.

Which do you fall under? You do not have to busy to be stressed, but you can be busy and not be stressed.

Are you stressed up to your ears? So much so that you are anxious, don’t sleep well, always feel like you cannot get enough done or finish your TO-DO list? Or are you just doing a lot, but enjoying it and simply are busy?

I LOVE what I do. I spend about 36ish hours nannying a week (BECAUSE I LOVE IT), and I spend about 15 to 20 hours on my business (seeing clients, emailing clients, creating content for my blog and instagram, etc), and during bridal season I’m gone most Saturdays doing bridal makeup. I love what I do and I highly encourage you to look at how you are spending your time. Is it bringing you a sense of accomplishment and are you feeling passionate about how you spend your time? Or are you stressed and hating every minute of it? Sometimes we have to deal with temporary stress on our journeys to being able to focus on our passions, but I want you to think about the next question.

If you find yourself stressed and on the way to burnout, are there any changes you can make to lessen your stress?

We all have stressful seasons of life, but what I’m talking about is the pattern of life you are creating. If there is no end in sight, if you aren’t loving your career, if you CAN make a change, dig deep and do some soul searching.

I didn’t write this post to give you answers. I simply want you to question the route you are headed and know that it is never too late to make a change for yourself. Think about how you truly spend your time and if it’s causing stress, love yourself enough to make the change to bring about happiness, if it is within your means…and guess what? It usually is!

I hope to always continue on the path of keeping myself busy with passion projects that exhilarate me and help others. After working so hard in a stressful environment in previous years, I promise myself that I will always evaluate where I’m headed to keep me busy but less stressed. Will you make that same promise for yourself? I hope so.

Comment below your thoughts on this post and weigh in on the conversation!

Have a beautiful day,


Under $20 Gift Guide

It’s the fourth and final day of Gift Guide Week and tonight I’m bring you a gift guide of gifts under $20! It’s a combination of all kinds of random gifts and hopefully it can bring you some ideas if you need a budget-friendly last minute gift. In case you missed the previous three gift guides from earlier in the week you can click below to visit each one!

  1. 5 Lbs of Gummy Bears:

    Hear me out. These are the BEST gummy bears I’ve ever had and I can never stop eating these. If you need a funny gift for White Elephant that someone would laugh at but actually enjoy, this would be great! Or if someone you know just loves candy…like me…

  2. Scratch Off Bucket Lists:

    You may have seen these with world maps, but they also have ones for Top Movies, Books, etc. If someone you know is a really into something specific like books, this is a great gift that they will be able to use for a long time, and even display if they want!

  3. Handheld Milk Frother:

    If the person you are gifting to loves coffee, matcha lattes, chai lattes, etc, a handheld milk frother to allow them to make yummy coffeehouse drinks at home is a great option. I love mine and use it all the time.

  4. Expensive Coffee/Tea:

    It’s really nice as coffee and tea drinkers to receive quality coffee or tea that you might not always have the budget for. I’ve linked my friend’s coffee company because it’s the coffee I drink every morning and it’s so delicious! I highly recommend it. My favorite tea (besides organic green) is the Tazo Wild Sweet Orange Tea.

  5. Christmas Ornaments:

    I think it’s fun to get really funny ornaments for people. Paper Source has some really great ones this year, like this avocado one. World Market also has a lot of great inexpensive ones in store!

  6. Card Wallet:

    Card wallets are a gift that are always nice to get because it’s nice to have a small wallet to carry to the gym, running errands, or when you simply can’t carry a normal sized wallet. Target has many great options including the one I’ve linked above.

  7. Camping Hammock:

    I think this gift would be great for someone who likes to spend time outside, even if it’s just in their backyard! This hammock can support a lot of weight and hold two people which is nice! I already know who I’m gifting this to this year!

  8. Papermate Inkjoy Gel Pens:

    These are my favorite pens and if the person you are gifting to loves stationary, planners, or just having a great pen to write with in many colors, this gift set is great!

  9. Subscription Service:

    Subscription services are nothing new, but I love gifting them because it allows people to see if they like it and continue on if they so choose. My personal favorite is the Book of the Month, subscription which is great for readers! It’s just $14.99 and you get a beautiful hardcover book every month and can choose between a few different options!

  10. Plants:

    Plants make a great gift for the holidays, especially if you live in a colder climate. It’s nice to receive a little bit of greenery for inside your house when outside it’s looking a little dull and gray. I haven’t personally ordered from Costa Farms before (the plants I linked above), but I’ve heard great things about them!

  11. Silk Eyemask:

    Having a nice silk eyemask is something that would be a great gift, but not everyone would necessarily buy for themselves. I love sleeping with an eyemask because it really feels good to have slight pressure over my eyes and the darkness helps me fall asleep faster. Silk is great and won’t tug on your skin, so this is a classic black mask that anyone would love.

  12. High Quality Candle:

    Everyone loves getting a nice, high quality candle, especially women. There’s just something about always having a candle burning that is so cozy. I’ve linked my favorite scent from my favorite candle company (from my home town of Kalamazoo!) above, Kalamazoo Candle Company! I love their scents and supporting small companies!

  13. Amazon Gift Card:

    When in doubt, get the gift card to Amazon. I promise no one will ever be sad that they have free money to Amazon.

What did you think of the above gifts?! Do you have any recommendations that are under $20? Comment below if you have some.

I hope you enjoyed Gift Guide Week on Andrea Fontana Beauty! If you liked it be sure to let me know so I can do something similar next year!!

Have a wonderful time picking out the perfect gifts for your loved ones,


Disclosure: Amazon links are Amazon Affiliate links meaning that I make a commission off the purchase of the product through my link. I would never recommend a product that I didn't love and all opinions are my own. I am thankful for you choosing to purchase through my links, as it helps me create more content for Andrea Fontana Beauty.

A Cookbook Gift Guide

Welcome back to gift guide week here at Andrea Fontana Beauty! Just in case you missed my two previous posts here are the links for them; The Skincare Nerd’s Gift Guide & The Makeup Lover’s Gift Guide.

Today we are talking…COOKBOOKS! One of my favorite kinds of books.

If you’ve been following me for awhile you probably know how obsessed I am with them. My collection is past 50 at this point so I thought I’d offer a few suggestions and describe who I think they would be best for.

The Traditional or Brand New Cook

If you have someone on your list who is new to cooking I highly recommend either ‘The Joy of Cooking’ cookbook or ‘The Fannie Farmer Cookbook’. I have both and refer to them often for classics. They would be a great staple for any college student, newlywed or even someone who has found a new love for cooking, because they are filled with basic recipes that everyone needs.

If your gift is for a cook who is unfamiliar in the kitchen, I highly recommend ‘Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking’ because it teaches you so much about what it takes to make a great meal. The Netflix series is also AMAZING and not to go off on a tangent but you should watch it ASAP.

The Gluten Free Cook

I’ve talked a lot about ‘True Roots: A Mindful Kitchen’ a lot, especially on my Instagram. I have made so many of the recipes and they are so amazing. If someone has dietary restrictions like gluten, dairy, or refined sugars, this would make a great gift.

The Fit Cook

I received ‘Bobby Flay Fit’ for Christmas last year and I’ve used it so much, there’s a burn mark on the cover from the coils of my stove. If the person you’re shopping for is into fitness and healthy eating, but doesn’t like sacrificing flavor, this is a great option! The recipes are easy and rely on using a lot of great spices to create clean and delicious meals.

The Pasta-Obsessed Cook

If the person you are shopping for likes pasta or noodles (I mean who doesn’t though…) these are two of my favorite cookbooks that I have actually used quite a bit in the last few years. ‘The Ultimate Pasta and Noodle Cookbook’ has recipes from all types of cuisines, not just Italian. It’s again a great reference book. My other recommendation would be for someone who LOVES Italian pasta and I’ve talked about it before on here. ‘250 True Italian Pasta Dishes’ is great for those who want to learn which types of pastas go with which sauces and how to choose veggies to add in. It has many great combinations and even a section with fast weeknight recipes.

The Beauty Loving Cook

I know I just mentioned this cookbook in my Skincare Gift Guide, but I have to mention it again in case you missed that post. If you are gifting to a lover of makeup, skincare or nutrition, ‘Eat Beautiful’ is an amazing collection of in season recipes to promote healthy skin and beauty.

The Italian Food Cook

Did you really think I wouldn’t include an Italian section. My pick for this year goes to a cookbook my boyfriend got me for my birthday one year because he wanted me to cook from it. ‘The Sopranos Family Cookbook’ is not only full of delicious traditional recipes, but it’s also really fun to look through.

The Cook Who Loves to Give Back

If you have a friend to gift this season that loves to give back, this would be a great option for them. The ‘America The Great Cookbook’ is a collection of signature dishes and family recipes from chefs all over the country. So not only is it a great collection of different types of cuisines, but the proceeds go towards helping ‘No Kid Hungry’ fight childhood hunger.

Now if you have a cookbook addiction like me or you’re shopping on a budget this holiday season, don’t forget that thrifted/used books are a great way to reuse and recycle books! I don’t know what I was doing before I started using Thriftbooks.com to order all of my books from. I have been buying from them from almost a year and have always had great luck with them. The customer service is also great if you have a question. I have found some of my favorite cookbooks for under $5 before! If you click this link, you can save 15% off your first purchase on Thriftbooks.com!

Do you have any favorite cookbooks? Be sure to comment below and let me know which ones you are obsessed with that I need to add to my collection.

Don’t forget to come back here tomorrow for Day 4 and my last day of Gift Guides on Andrea Fontana Beauty,

Have a great day,
